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全国送料無料 本商品は海外拠点に在庫がございます。その為お届けまで5~15営業日程度お時間をいただいております。また、海外からの輸送中に外箱に多少の傷や折れが等が生じる場合や、日本到着時に税関にて開封される場合がございますが、新品未使用品ですので商品に問題はございません。
Go-Parts Lifetime
for Coupe, A/T, w/Std Duty Cooling
Submodels: Base, LS, LT, LT1, Luxury, Performance, Premium, Premium Luxury, Premium Performance, SS, V, Vsport, Vsport Premium, Vsport Premium Luxury, ZL1
Fits Years: 2016 16 2017 17 2018 18 2019 19 2020 20 2021 21
Engine: 2.0L 2.5L 3.6L L4/V6 GAS/GAS Turbocharged
Type: Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD
Meets or Exceeds OEM Dealer Quality: high quality and guaranteed to fit
Meets or Exceeds all government safety standards requirements
High Quality Aftermarket OE Replacement
説明: for Coupe, A/T, w/Std Duty Cooling br/ br/
br/ br/ 2016 - 2019 ATS Base 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2018 ATS Base 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Base 2.5L L4 GAS Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Base 2.5L L4 GAS Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2019 ATS Luxury 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2018 ATS Luxury 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Luxury 2.5L L4 GAS Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Luxury 2.5L L4 GAS Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Luxury 3.6L V6 GAS Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Luxury 3.6L V6 GAS Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Performance 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Performance 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Performance 3.6L V6 GAS Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Performance 3.6L V6 GAS Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Premium 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Premium 2.0L L4 GAS Turbocharged Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Premium 3.6L V6 GAS Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2016 ATS Premium 3.6L V6 GAS Sedan 4-Door Automatic/Manual AWD/RWD br/ 2017 - 2019 ATS Premium Luxury 3.6L V6 GAS Coupe 2-Door Automatic AWD/RWD br/ 2017 - 2018 ATS Premium Luxury 3.6L V6 GAS Sedan 4-Door Automatic AWD/RWD br/ 2017 - 2019 ATS Premium Performance 3.6L V6 GAS Coupe 2-Door Automatic AWD/RWD br/ 2017 - 2018 ATS Premium Performance 3.6L V6 GAS Sedan 4-Door Automatic AWD/RWD br/ 2016 - 2019 ATS V 3.6L V6 GAS Turbocharged Coupe 2-Door Automatic/Manual RWD br/ 2016 - 2018
全国送料無料 本商品は海外拠点に在庫がございます。その為お届けまで5~15営業日程度お時間をいただいております。また、海外からの輸送中に外箱に多少の傷や折れが等が生じる場合や、日本到着時に税関にて開封される場合がございますが、新品未使用品ですので商品に問題はございません。
メーカー: GO-PARTS
ブランド: GO-PARTS
高さ: 73.7 センチ
幅: 9.7 センチ
奥行: 82.8 センチ
重量: 10.0 Kg