New Axis Q7401 Video Encoder 1 Channel 0288 004 by Axis :auto 20240315 074220 26:yukinko3号店
New Axis Q7401 Video Encoder 1 Channel 0288 004 by Axis :auto 20240315 074220 26:yukinko3号店
【商品の発送について】こちらの商品は海外拠点に在庫がございます。その為お届けまでに5-10営業日(土日祝日除く)程度お時間を頂いております。税関での通関時に商品の開封検査を受けることがございますが、商品の品質に影響はございませんのでご安心ください。その他、商品に関するご不明点等はお気軽にお問い合わせください。無線機器等につきまして、日本国内で使用される場合電波法に違反する可能性がございますのでご使用には十分ご注意ください。 商品説明 New Axis Q7401 Video Encoder 1 Channel 0288-004 説明: AXIS Q7401 offers the highly efficient H.264 video compression, which drastically reduces bandwidth and storage requirements without compromising image quality. Motion JPEG is also supported for increased flexibility.;AXIS Q7401 can deliver multiple, individually configurable video streams simultaneously at full frame rate in all resolutions up to D1 (720x480 in NTSC, 720x576 in PAL). This means that several video streams can be configured with different compression formats, resolutions and frame rates for different needs.;All Axis video encoders connect to analog pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) cameras to allow for easy operation of these PTZ cameras across the IP network. Axis open policy ensures simple and fast integration with most analog PTZ cameras on the market by including software drivers for more than 25 different analog cameras;Support for Power over Ethernet (IEEE802.3af) enables the unit, as well as the analog camera that is connected to it, to receive power through the same cable as for data transmission. This makes for easy installation since no power outlet is needed.;AXIS Q7401 Video Encoder is a high performance, single channel solution that integrates an analog camera into an IP-based video surveillance system. With outstanding video processing capabilities, AXIS Q7401 delivers superb video quality and significant savings in bandwidth and storage. 【商品の発送について】こちらの商品は海外拠点に在庫がございます。その為お届けまでに5-10営業日(土日祝日除く)程度お時間を頂いております。税関での通関時に商品の開封検査を受けることがございますが、商品の品質に影響はございませんのでご安心ください。その他、商品に関するご不明点等はお気軽にお問い合わせください。無線機器等につきまして、日本国内で使用される場合電波法に違反する可能性がございますのでご使用には十分ご注意ください。 カテゴリー: メーカー: Axis Communication ブランド: アクシス(Axis) 高さ: 3.2 センチ 幅: 9.9 センチ 奥行: 11.8 センチ 重量: 0.0 Kg 商品コード B009QOFCEU
New Axis Q7401 Video Encoder 1 Channel 0288-004
説明: AXIS Q7401 offers the highly efficient H.264 video compression, which drastically reduces bandwidth and storage requirements without compromising image quality. Motion JPEG is also supported for increased flexibility.;AXIS Q7401 can deliver multiple, individually configurable video streams simultaneously at full frame rate in all resolutions up to D1 (720x480 in NTSC, 720x576 in PAL). This means that several video streams can be configured with different compression formats, resolutions and frame rates for different needs.;All Axis video encoders connect to analog pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) cameras to allow for easy operation of these PTZ cameras across the IP network. Axis open policy ensures simple and fast integration with most analog PTZ cameras on the market by including software drivers for more than 25 different analog cameras;Support for Power over Ethernet (IEEE802.3af) enables the unit, as well as the analog camera that is connected to it, to receive power through the same cable as for data transmission. This makes for easy installation since no power outlet is needed.;AXIS Q7401 Video Encoder is a high performance, single channel solution that integrates an analog camera into an IP-based video surveillance system. With outstanding video processing capabilities, AXIS Q7401 delivers superb video quality and significant savings in bandwidth and storage.
メーカー: Axis Communication
ブランド: アクシス(Axis)
高さ: 3.2 センチ
幅: 9.9 センチ
奥行: 11.8 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg